Review : Star Trek : The Next Generation – Half A Life (1991/TV-PG)

Star Trek : The Next Generation was on for 178 episodes, not all of them were winners, and Half A Life was one of the losers. What makes this episode so bad, simple just like Once Upon a Time, The Walking Dead, or any drama on television today (yes we’re including you Netflix) nothing was resolved, concluded, or explained. This means it broke our golden rule “Respect our Time” it doesn’t matter this episode aired in 1991 it still wasted our time now. What makes it worse this episode had top notch guest stars such as Majel Barrett, David Ogden Stiers, and Michelle Forbes. But no matter how much star power you pack when the story of having to go back to your planet to die when you turn 60 and that planets sun is dying, is never resolved make this one of the most pointless, irritating, and stupid episodes of Star Trek we’ve ever seen. This isn’t entertainment this is embarrassment.

Star Trek : The Next Generation – Half A Life Trailer (Paramount Television/1991)
On a scale of 1.0 to 5.9 it got a 1.6 out of 5.9

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